About Us
The Organization was created in 1977 by a group of Code Enforcement Professionals who saw the need for all Code Enforcement Personnel to meet in order to discuss, consult, and formulate plans to promote the professionalism of Code Enforcement Individuals and discuss common concerns. These Code Enforcement Professionals saw items such as quality continued education as a necessity.
The Broward County Building Officials Association is dedicated to providing its membership with services that aid Inspectors, Plans Examiners, Building Officials, Code Enforcement Agents, Floodplain Managers, Permit Technicians, Architects, Engineers, Contractors and all of those who have an interest in the enforcement of The Florida Building Code not only with their job performance, but with support for the personnel needs of their employers.
Our Mission
To create a unified professional force that protects all the citizens and properties in Broward County and represents all Building Code Enforcement Professionals.